Mini Tummy Tuck Surgery in Hamilton & Burlington, Ontario
Whether you've lost a significant amount of weight and are left with excessive loose skin, are unsatisfied with your postpartum stomach area, or are having difficulties losing stubborn fat, a tummy tuck is a popular cosmetic surgical procedure that can help you permanently achieve your desired body and boost your confidence. However, while many patients tend to opt for a traditional tummy tuck procedure, a lot of individuals fail to realize there are several tummy tuck procedures that are possible that can provide you with the results they are looking for, including the mini tummy tuck.
Therefore, if you're considering undergoing an abdominoplasty, Lotus Cosmetic Surgery is one of the leading cosmetic practices located in the Hamilton, Ontario area. Our goal as a cosmetic surgical practice is to ensure our patients feel confident and well-informed on any surgical or medical spa procedure they choose to book with our team. This is why we’ve put together a list of some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the mini tummy tuck in Hamilton Ontario so you can have a better idea about what this surgical procedure entails, before booking your first consultation with us.

What is the difference between a tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck?
Like we said above, many individuals who seek to undergo a tummy tuck tend to choose the traditional surgical procedure without knowing the mini tummy tuck exists, and what the differences are between them. As all patients are different, it will be difficult to determine which tummy tuck procedure is suited for your needs and aesthetic desires. However, before booking your consultation, take a look at some of the most notable differences between a tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck, so you can further discuss any questions when meeting with your surgeon for the first time. This way, you can make an informed decision based on the advice of your doctor.
RealSelf Patient Reviews of Nicolas M. Hynes, MD
The Mini Tummy Tuck vs. The Tummy Tuck
Also referred to as a partial abdominoplasty, this surgical procedure is performed on patients who wish to remove excess fat and skin from the middle and lower abdominal area. However, unlike the traditional tummy tuck procedure, the mini tummy tuck does not repair or tighten the abdominal muscles as much, or at all, depending on your surgeon. Additionally, while traditional tummy tuck procedures remove significant amounts of excess skin and stubborn fat, the mini tummy tuck does not.
Furthermore, patients can expect to have fewer scars in and around the incision area located on the lower pubic area and have a shorter recovery period compared to the traditional tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck also takes less time, sitting at an approximately two hour procedure, while the traditional tummy tuck can last anywhere from two to four hours depending on the specific needs and requirements of the patient. As you can see, while the differences between these surgical procedures are slight, they do provide patients with different results that are worth noting and discussing with your surgeon, come the time for your consultation appointment so you can ensure that you are happy with your results in the long run.
How long does it take to recover from a mini tummy tuck?
One of the most common questions and concerns regarding any surgical procedure, including the mini tummy tuck is what the recovery period will look like and entail after the surgery is complete. Generally speaking, patients can expect to be in recovery anywhere from 2 – 6 weeks following their procedure. During this time, you will experience discomfort and mild pain, which will be managed with medication that is prescribed by your surgeon. In and around the incision area, they will be bruising, swelling, and tenderness which will subside as your recovery process unfolds. Therefore, patients will be expected and encouraged to rest as much as possible to avoid any complications.
Following the first week of your recovery process, you will need to return to your surgeon’s office to have them remove your stitches and draining. While most patients are able to return to work after their stitches are removed, you may be advised by your doctor to rest further at their own discretion. In addition, light exercise and activities can resume after 2 weeks. However, you will be unable to perform strenuous exercise or activities until the six week mark and with approval from your surgeon depending on how fast you heal. In addition, you may be required to wear a surgical binding around your abdomen area for the first couple of weeks to help the abdominal muscles take to their new form and ensure your stitches remain sealed.
How much does a mini tummy tuck cost?
It is important to note that the cost of your mini tummy tuck procedure will vary depending on a few factors listed below. However, in Ontario, the average cost for a mini tummy tuck procedure is $7000 to $11,000. Factors that will determine the cost of the mini tummy tuck procedure include:
- Your surgeons fee based on years of experience and reviews from past clients
- The location where you want to have your surgery take place
- The cost for anesthesia
- Any costs for post-operation garments
- Any associated operating room costs including the cost for an overnight
Do I need a mini or full tummy tuck?
At Lotus Cosmetic Surgery, we understand that every patient is different. Therefore, to determine whether you’re a candidate for either a mini tummy tuck or full tummy tuck, we suggest booking a consultation with us so we can assess your needs accordingly. Until then, some factors that can help you better understand if a mini tummy tuck is right for you is:
- You are in good physical health
- Are at a stable, consistent weight
- You are a non-smoker
- You do not like the appearance of your lower abdomen
- You have moderate fat and excess skin
Book Your Mini Tummy Tuck Consultation with Lotus Cosmetic Surgery
If you're interested in learning more about the mini tummy tuck cosmetic procedure as well as costs associated with any further factors required for your experience, Lotus Cosmetic Surgery is here to help guide you through the process. With over 23 years of medical experience, Dr. Hynes, and his diverse team of professional medical staff are well-resourced with the comprehension and procedural skills mandatory to deliver you with high-quality patient care and results that are worth investing in for yourself.
Book your consultation with Lotus Cosmetic Surgery today for more information on our mini tummy tuck and other cosmetic surgeries today.
How can I obtain more information?
It’s important to have realistic expectations and to be properly informed about expected results and potential side effects, with any procedure.
If you would like to book a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Hynes at our office in Hamilton, ON, please call us at (905) 645-5640 or book an appointment.
Lotus Cosmetic Surgery Centre + Medispa
Hamilton, Ontario
Rediscover, Enhance, Reshape!